Honouring the Teachings: Sūrya & Chandra Namaskāra – Mantra, Myth & Movement

The practise of yoga goes beyond the physical. It weaves together movement, mantra, and mythology, offering a transformative journey that connects body, mind, and spirit. Among the most beloved sequences are Sūrya Namaskāra (Sun Salutation) and Chandra Namaskāra (Moon Salutation), flows that honour the rhythms of the cosmos and the energies of the Sun and Moon.

But how often do we pause to explore the deeper meanings behind these sacred practises? Beyond their dynamic sequences lies a wealth of wisdom: mantras with ancient resonance, myths that inspire, and the opportunity to create meaningful connections in our personal practice and teaching.

In this workshop, I delve into this rich tapestry with a special guest, Lauren Gray. Lauren is the creator of two beautifully designed card decks inspired by Sūrya Namaskāra and Chandra Namaskāra. These decks combine oracle-style artistry with practical micro-learning, offering a fresh, accessible way to bring depth to your yoga classes, retreats, and personal practise.

The Wisdom of Sūrya & Chandra Namaskāra

Chandra Namaskāra – Movements, Mantras & Myths

Chandra Namaskāra, or the Moon Salutation, is a graceful sequence that honours the cooling, reflective energy of the Moon. Its movements mirror the lunar phases, inviting practitioners to slow down, reflect, and connect with their inner world. When paired with mantra, Chandra Namaskāra becomes a meditative ritual steeped in the wisdom of lunar mythology.

Discover how incorporating these teachings into your classes or personal practise can create a more nourishing experience for you and your students. By honouring the myths and mantras associated with the Moon, you can offer a grounding counterbalance to the fiery, dynamic energy of Sūrya Namaskāra.

Sūrya Namaskāra – The Sacred Flow of the Sun

The Sun Salutation, or Sūrya Namaskāra, is a cornerstone of many yoga practises, celebrating vitality, renewal, and the life-giving energy of the Sun. But how often do we reflect on its origins and symbolic meaning? Through Sūrya Namaskāra, we honour the Sun as the source of light and life. When paired with mantra and mindful intention, this flow becomes a sacred offering that connects us to ancient traditions.

The Power of Mantra – Śruti & Smṛti

Mantras are a bridge between the physical and the spiritual, carrying the vibration of wisdom and devotion. The resonance of śruti (that which is heard) and smṛti (that which is remembered) deepens our connection to these ancient practises, making the movements of Sūrya and Chandra Namaskāra more profound.

Elevate Your Practise & Teachings

This exploration of Sūrya Namaskāra and Chandra Namaskāra is more than just a study of yoga’s physical movements. It’s an invitation to enrich your yoga journey with layers of meaning, myth, and sound. Whether you’re a teacher or a practitioner, these tools can help you:

  • Deepen your personal connection to the Sun and Moon salutations.
  • Share their wisdom with your students in a way that inspires and resonates.
  • Bring fresh ideas to your retreats and events, creating unique experiences that honour the teachings of yoga.

RELATED: The Psychic Pathways of Arohan and Avarohan


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  • Instagram: [@lauragreenyoga]
  • Facebook: [@lauragreenyoga]
  • Website: [www.lauragreenyoga.co.uk]

Tags: #YogaTeaching #SuryaNamaskara #ChandraNamaskara #Mantra #YogaInspiration


Sūrya Namaskāra and Chandra Namaskāra are more than sequences of movement – they are sacred rituals that connect us to the rhythms of the universe. By exploring their mythology, incorporating mantras, and understanding their deeper meanings, we can approach these beloved practises with a renewed sense of reverence and creativity.
