Yoga Classes in Eastleigh, Hedge End, Chilworth, Chandlers Ford & Southampton
Try a Yoga Class for FREE
Would you like to come along and try one of Laura’s Yoga Classes for FREE?
Whether you’re a complete beginner to yoga or you’re simply looking for a new yoga class, come and join us and experience the great benefits of attending a yoga class with this free trial.
With lots of classes to choose from across Hampshire which yoga class time and venue is best for you?
Book a Free Trial Class
The system will accept one free class per email address. So to bring a friend, ask them to book separately.
You need your name, mobile number and email address to book.... a warm welcome awaits you!
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Book your Free First Class
What to expect
A warm friendly welcome
Clear instructions that are easy to follow for all levels of experience
Lots of variations and options given so it doesn’t matter how flexible, strong or fit you are when you begin
Movements that improve your strength, flexibility and overall fitness
Breathing exercises that reduce stress and anxiety to create a feeling of calmness
Guided relaxations and meditations
Lessons in yoga philosophy and the natural world.
What to bring
If you have your own yoga mat then great please bring it
If you don’t have a mat I can loan you one for your first class, after that I advise buying one
A bottle of water
Wear comfortable clothing than you can move freely in
Breathing exercises that reduce stress and anxiety to create a feeling of calmness