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Printable PDF of the Sun Salutation Sequence for Kai Franz Sun Salutation Chant Music.

Print of this yoga sequence for a right and left legged variation of the Sun Salutation which works perfectly with the Kai Franz chat music. Simply move on the chant! 

Printable PDF of the Sun Salutation Sequence for Kai Franz Sun Salutation Chant Music.

Print of this yoga sequence for a right and left legged variation of the Sun Salutation which works perfectly with the Kai Franz chat music. Simply move on the chant! 

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Laura Green Yoga Oct '18 Yoga for Strength & Resilience

This printable yoga class lesson plan is the yoga sequence from Laura Green Yoga's Oct '18 classes. A fully rounded 60 min yoga practise with a focus on building strength, resolve & resilience. 

Laura Green Yoga Oct '18 Yoga for Strength & Resilience

This printable yoga class lesson plan is the yoga sequence from Laura Green Yoga's Oct '18 classes. A fully rounded 60 min yoga practise with a focus on building strength, resolve & resilience. 

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Iceland Summer Road Trip Itinerary.pdf

In August 2018 my Husband, Simon and I did a 2-week summer road trip adventure around Iceland and it was EPIC!! Visiting Iceland certainly needs to be on your bucket list. I put hours and hours of research and planning into our Iceland Summer Roadtrip which really paid off. We got to see some much of this amazing country, experience lots of the Icelandic Culture and get really active with snorkelling, ice climbing, kayaking, horseriding and a lot of hiking! We drove over 3500km covering all the Iceland's ring road but also getting into the much less visited western fjords. If you're thinking a planning a trip check out the itinerary I put together for inspiration and my top tips. Any questions get in touch!

Iceland Summer Road Trip Itinerary.pdf

In August 2018 my Husband, Simon and I did a 2-week summer road trip adventure around Iceland and it was EPIC!! Visiting Iceland certainly needs to be on your bucket list. I put hours and hours of research and planning into our Iceland Summer Roadtrip which really paid off. We got to see some much of this amazing country, experience lots of the Icelandic Culture and get really active with snorkelling, ice climbing, kayaking, horseriding and a lot of hiking! We drove over 3500km covering all the Iceland's ring road but also getting into the much less visited western fjords. If you're thinking a planning a trip check out the itinerary I put together for inspiration and my top tips. Any questions get in touch!

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Printable PDF Chandra Namaskar Lunar Salute.

This ancient Yoga Sequence honours the phases on the moon and creates balance and calmness in both body and mind. 

Printable PDF Chandra Namaskar Lunar Salute.

This ancient Yoga Sequence honours the phases on the moon and creates balance and calmness in both body and mind. 

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The Happiness Challenge

Join the October Happiness Challenge, a 4-Week Online Programme focused on Meditation, Yoga and Lifestyle for Postive Mental Health. 

The Happiness Challenge

Join the October Happiness Challenge, a 4-Week Online Programme focused on Meditation, Yoga and Lifestyle for Postive Mental Health. 

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Laura Green Yoga - July '18 Yoga Class Sequence

This printable yoga class lesson plan is the yoga sequence from Laura Green Yoga's July '18 classes. A fully rounded 60 min yoga practise focusing on building energy and vitality in the journey to bliss.

Laura Green Yoga - July '18 Yoga Class Sequence

This printable yoga class lesson plan is the yoga sequence from Laura Green Yoga's July '18 classes. A fully rounded 60 min yoga practise focusing on building energy and vitality in the journey to bliss.

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Medical Contraindications for Yoga Poses Summary

A simple straightforward guide for yoga teachers enabling you to support your students with confidence. Yoga students come to class with a variety of physical conditions and in most cases common sense combined with controlled and pain free range of movement will keep yoga students safe in your class. But there are a few medical conditions and injuries for which certain yoga poses are contraindicated and other poses would be particularly beneficial. So print of this PDF, laminate it and keep it in your teaching bag.  This is by no means an exhaustive list but it covers what I have commonly experienced during my 8 years of teaching yoga. 

Medical Contraindications for Yoga Poses Summary

A simple straightforward guide for yoga teachers enabling you to support your students with confidence. Yoga students come to class with a variety of physical conditions and in most cases common sense combined with controlled and pain free range of movement will keep yoga students safe in your class. But there are a few medical conditions and injuries for which certain yoga poses are contraindicated and other poses would be particularly beneficial. So print of this PDF, laminate it and keep it in your teaching bag.  This is by no means an exhaustive list but it covers what I have commonly experienced during my 8 years of teaching yoga. 

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Laura Green Yoga - May '18 Yoga Class Sequence

This printable yoga class lesson plan is the yoga sequence from Laura Green Yoga's May '18 classes. A fully rounded 60 min yoga practise with an equal focus on building strength and flexibility through a focused and committed practice.

Laura Green Yoga - May '18 Yoga Class Sequence

This printable yoga class lesson plan is the yoga sequence from Laura Green Yoga's May '18 classes. A fully rounded 60 min yoga practise with an equal focus on building strength and flexibility through a focused and committed practice.

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Pranayama - Single Nostril Breath

Chandra Bhedana is a wonderful calming breath. It is ideal for whenever stress and tension arrive but is particularly great if you a struggling to sleep and quieten the mind.

Pranayama - Single Nostril Breath

Chandra Bhedana is a wonderful calming breath. It is ideal for whenever stress and tension arrive but is particularly great if you a struggling to sleep and quieten the mind.

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Yoga For Back Care

Having spent 18 months with debilitating back pain, Laura knows how it feels and how it affects every aspect of your life when you suffer from acute pain. She also knows that it doesn’t have to be that way. You can use yoga to take control of your body and make it work in harmony with you and not against you.

Yoga For Back Care

Having spent 18 months with debilitating back pain, Laura knows how it feels and how it affects every aspect of your life when you suffer from acute pain. She also knows that it doesn’t have to be that way. You can use yoga to take control of your body and make it work in harmony with you and not against you.

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Yoga For Sleep

It is unbelievable how many people struggle to sleep. In this programme you will be given the tools to make sleepless nights a thing of the past without the need to turn to medication. It is amazing how much better people feel on a good night’s rest.

Yoga For Sleep

It is unbelievable how many people struggle to sleep. In this programme you will be given the tools to make sleepless nights a thing of the past without the need to turn to medication. It is amazing how much better people feel on a good night’s rest.

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Yoga For Runners

Incorporate a little yoga everyday into your training programme to really give your running a boost. Results include: injury prevention, quicker recovery times, longer & leaner muscles, better breathing for improved stamina. Having worked with a number of marathon runners Laura has seen how yoga can have a huge impact on your running.

Yoga For Runners

Incorporate a little yoga everyday into your training programme to really give your running a boost. Results include: injury prevention, quicker recovery times, longer & leaner muscles, better breathing for improved stamina. Having worked with a number of marathon runners Laura has seen how yoga can have a huge impact on your running.

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Yoga Sequence for Emotional Times

This breathing technique centres your focus on both your Manipura and Anahata Chakras. When facing emotional challenges it is important to stay connected to these two energetic centres and to work to keep them balanced. The Manipura chakra governs our self esteem, courage and confidence when balanced we can stand tall and face the challenges. Anahata Chakra is the heart centre from where we can openly give and receive love, feel compassion and forgiveness.

Yoga Sequence for Emotional Times

This breathing technique centres your focus on both your Manipura and Anahata Chakras. When facing emotional challenges it is important to stay connected to these two energetic centres and to work to keep them balanced. The Manipura chakra governs our self esteem, courage and confidence when balanced we can stand tall and face the challenges. Anahata Chakra is the heart centre from where we can openly give and receive love, feel compassion and forgiveness.

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A Guided Meditation for Loving Kindness

There are many benefits of meditation. If you practise this metta meditation regularly it can help you stay positive towards yourself and others. It can also help to keep you calm in difficult situations and reduce irritation and anger. Kindness is an antidote for anger and irritation.
Many of you have done this with me before and my favourite way is during the Sun Salutations as it brings this meditation into both body and mind but anything will work, even just reading it mindfully:

A Guided Meditation for Loving Kindness

There are many benefits of meditation. If you practise this metta meditation regularly it can help you stay positive towards yourself and others. It can also help to keep you calm in difficult situations and reduce irritation and anger. Kindness is an antidote for anger and irritation.
Many of you have done this with me before and my favourite way is during the Sun Salutations as it brings this meditation into both body and mind but anything will work, even just reading it mindfully:

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Gentle Sun Salutation

Repeat this sequence 4 times, that is two rounds with the right leg starting and two rounds with the left leg starting. Don’t worry too much about the pictures, the models are very flexible! Just focus on your breathing and move in a way that feels good in the body as you gently stretch and strengthen from top to toe. Please ignore the fact that some of the poses are facing different directions, the whole of this sequence is performed facing the front.

Gentle Sun Salutation

Repeat this sequence 4 times, that is two rounds with the right leg starting and two rounds with the left leg starting. Don’t worry too much about the pictures, the models are very flexible! Just focus on your breathing and move in a way that feels good in the body as you gently stretch and strengthen from top to toe. Please ignore the fact that some of the poses are facing different directions, the whole of this sequence is performed facing the front.

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Pranayama - Full Yogic Breath

Research informs us that on average many of us only use about 1/8th of our lung capacity. The complete yoga breath encourages us to use our full lung capacity to benefit our health and well being. Our breathing habits can be caused by many things including tension, tight muscles, stress, frustration and anxiety. The complete Yoga Breath improves energy levels, concentration and circulation; it feeds the brain and calms the mind whilst allowing us to control our emotions and stress.

Pranayama - Full Yogic Breath

Research informs us that on average many of us only use about 1/8th of our lung capacity. The complete yoga breath encourages us to use our full lung capacity to benefit our health and well being. Our breathing habits can be caused by many things including tension, tight muscles, stress, frustration and anxiety. The complete Yoga Breath improves energy levels, concentration and circulation; it feeds the brain and calms the mind whilst allowing us to control our emotions and stress.

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Pranayama Diary - Breathing Practise

The foundation of our yoga practice is the breath. In yoga we learn to breath fully and deeply, coordinating breath and movement and experiencing how we can affect our mind through our breath. Breathing exercises, also called Pranayamas in Sanskrit, allow us to slow down our heart rate, lower our blood pressure, clear our minds and relax our muscles. Incorporating pranayamas in our day to day lives can have an immediate effect on reducing everyday stress. But . . . it takes practice!

Pranayama Diary - Breathing Practise

The foundation of our yoga practice is the breath. In yoga we learn to breath fully and deeply, coordinating breath and movement and experiencing how we can affect our mind through our breath. Breathing exercises, also called Pranayamas in Sanskrit, allow us to slow down our heart rate, lower our blood pressure, clear our minds and relax our muscles. Incorporating pranayamas in our day to day lives can have an immediate effect on reducing everyday stress. But . . . it takes practice!

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Pranayama-Golden Sun Belly Breath

- Instantly lights agni, and fires up your metabolism
- Promotes more energy and detoxification through deeper breathing
- Calms and focuses your mind, busts anxiety
- Brings new circulation to the belly area, improving digestive and reproductive health
- Tones the pelvic floor diaphragm, which can prevent loss of bladder control, uterine prolapse and BONUS

Pranayama-Golden Sun Belly Breath

- Instantly lights agni, and fires up your metabolism
- Promotes more energy and detoxification through deeper breathing
- Calms and focuses your mind, busts anxiety
- Brings new circulation to the belly area, improving digestive and reproductive health
- Tones the pelvic floor diaphragm, which can prevent loss of bladder control, uterine prolapse and BONUS

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Simple Seated Yoga Sequence to Unwind and De-Stress

Begin in a simple seated pose. Try elevating this by sitting on a
cushion of block for more ease. Focus on your breath. Inhale for
the count of 4 and exhale for the count of 4. Repeat 10 times.

Simple Seated Yoga Sequence to Unwind and De-Stress

Begin in a simple seated pose. Try elevating this by sitting on a
cushion of block for more ease. Focus on your breath. Inhale for
the count of 4 and exhale for the count of 4. Repeat 10 times.

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Essential Stretches for Runners

These really are the best thing you can do. Daily would be great or just before a run. The Sun Salutations will warm, stretch and strengthen the whole body. Remember that on the online yoga page on my website you will find the Sun Salutations filmed with instructions so no excuses!

Essential Stretches for Runners

These really are the best thing you can do. Daily would be great or just before a run. The Sun Salutations will warm, stretch and strengthen the whole body. Remember that on the online yoga page on my website you will find the Sun Salutations filmed with instructions so no excuses!

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Cleanse + Detox Programme

Spring it is the perfect time to detox body, mind and soul. As we prepare to come out of the hibernation of winter this is the time that our body’s natural systems most benefit from a Detox and Cleanse. This 2 Week Cleanse + Detox Online Programme is designed to rejuvenate, reboot and restore your Body & Mind through Yoga, Meditation, Ayurveda & Guided Detox (Either a 3/5/7 Day Juice Cleanse or a 7 Day Clean Diet). 

Cleanse + Detox Programme

Spring it is the perfect time to detox body, mind and soul. As we prepare to come out of the hibernation of winter this is the time that our body’s natural systems most benefit from a Detox and Cleanse. This 2 Week Cleanse + Detox Online Programme is designed to rejuvenate, reboot and restore your Body & Mind through Yoga, Meditation, Ayurveda & Guided Detox (Either a 3/5/7 Day Juice Cleanse or a 7 Day Clean Diet). 

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Yoga Sequence to Relieve Tension

The following sequence offers poses that are helpful for opening the chest and stretching and relaxing the upper back and neck. Breathe deeply and slowly during all the postures and remember to relax the forehead, eyes, jaw, and tongue.

Yoga Sequence to Relieve Tension

The following sequence offers poses that are helpful for opening the chest and stretching and relaxing the upper back and neck. Breathe deeply and slowly during all the postures and remember to relax the forehead, eyes, jaw, and tongue.

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Yoga Sequence for Post Gym or Weight Training

This sequence has been designed to work with a body that is already warm from exercise. If you decide to perform it on its own please do 3-5 sun salutations first. Keep the breath full and strong as this helps to stretch out the body.

Yoga Sequence for Post Gym or Weight Training

This sequence has been designed to work with a body that is already warm from exercise. If you decide to perform it on its own please do 3-5 sun salutations first. Keep the breath full and strong as this helps to stretch out the body.

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Pranayama - Samavritti

One of the most important aspects of Pranayama is the quality of the breath. It should be smooth and even and its sound should be constant and controlled.

Pranayama - Samavritti

One of the most important aspects of Pranayama is the quality of the breath. It should be smooth and even and its sound should be constant and controlled.

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Glorious Green Juice Recipe

Give this recipe a go for a delcious way to add more nutrients in to your diet.  

Glorious Green Juice Recipe

Give this recipe a go for a delcious way to add more nutrients in to your diet.  

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Green Goddess Smoothie

An alternative to the green juice.  Try this green smoothie with added protein from Almond Butter. 

Green Goddess Smoothie

An alternative to the green juice.  Try this green smoothie with added protein from Almond Butter. 

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Restorative Yoga Sequence

Restorative Yoga Sequence using a Bolster.

Restorative Yoga Sequence

Restorative Yoga Sequence using a Bolster.

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Yoga 4 Core Strength

Yoga Sequence for Core Strength.

Yoga 4 Core Strength

Yoga Sequence for Core Strength.

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Yoga Sequence to ease IBS symptoms

Yoga Sequence to ease IBS symptoms

Yoga Sequence to ease IBS symptoms

Yoga Sequence to ease IBS symptoms

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Surya Namaskara A - Sun Salutation

Surya Namaskara A - Sun Salutation

Surya Namaskara A - Sun Salutation

Surya Namaskara A - Sun Salutation

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Well Rounded - Seated Yoga Sequence

Well Rounded - Seated Yoga Sequence

Well Rounded - Seated Yoga Sequence

Well Rounded - Seated Yoga Sequence

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Warrior Sequence

Warrior Sequence

Warrior Sequence

Warrior Sequence

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Inernational Yoga Day

International Yoga Day is celebrated on Jun 21st.

Inernational Yoga Day

International Yoga Day is celebrated on Jun 21st.

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Free Planner for Theming a Yoga Class

A simple planning tool for Yoga Teachers to help with theming a yoga class. See supporting blog post for detailed instructions on using this planner

Free Planner for Theming a Yoga Class

A simple planning tool for Yoga Teachers to help with theming a yoga class. See supporting blog post for detailed instructions on using this planner

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Yoga for Runners Online Course Overview

This is the Welcome and Course Overview for the 7 Week Online Yoga for Runners Course

Yoga for Runners Online Course Overview

This is the Welcome and Course Overview for the 7 Week Online Yoga for Runners Course

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