How to nurture your Yoga Business in harmony with the Chakras

Marketing to Yoga Teachers

Your yoga business is not simply a way to put food on the table – it’s your calling to reach out to the lives of many; to bring real, tangible benefits to all areas of their lives.

Your yoga business has “doing good” as its central mission; physical health and spiritual growth at its very core – just like yoga practice itself.

A business led by the heart can certainly bring you emotional, spiritual and financial fulfilment. There’s no better way to facilitate that than by linking the spiritual aspects of yogic teachings with the day-to-day of running your business.

Connect the spirit of you and your business through the psychology of the Chakras

Root Chakra

❤️ Foundation – who are you, what do you know, what are you qualified to teach, what is your area of expertise. Get clear on these – lean into radical authenticity. These questions will bring you to your central mission statement and help all of your principles and values align. When you get clear on this part, you attract the clients who will adore what you have to give.

Sacral Chakra

🧡Create – craft your offerings – services, classes, content – that align with your gifts and the needs of your ideal client. This is why your business was born. You have gifts to share and the offerings you create are their vehicle into the world. Create freely, joyfully, and see your ideal clients respond in kind. 

Solar Plexus Chakra

💛 Courage – take action, commit to one of your offerings and create a clear step by step plan to put it into action. You don’t have to do it all at once. But you do have to do it! Your mission is to do good in this world, and your business is one of the ways you’ll do it. Don’t hide your light – take courage, be brave and put something out there. And if it scares you? Do it anyway!

Heart Chakra

💚 Passion – look back at your plans, your vision – do they still fill your heart with joy? Do they still speak to the person you are today? Share your passion, invite others to get excited about and invested in your shared vision. Together we can change the world.

Throat Chakra

💙 Communicate – build relationships, write about your offerings, share your voice in videos, podcasts. Talk to everyone and anyone about your work. Invite people to experience it for themselves. Start conversations. Communication is your key to sharing the joy of what you do.

Third Eye Chakra

💜 Wisdom – look back over your journey with the wise eye of self-study. Have the wisdom to be totally honest with yourself. What do you do wonderfully? Which areas need to develop? Tweak things, adjust, evolve your work. You owe it to yourself, your business, and your clients.

Crown Chakra

🤍 Trust – when you walk your path, when you take action and when you show up for your dreams – you are not alone. Trust in yourself, trust in your business, trust in your gifts and your offerings. And trust that the universe will show up for you when you show up in service.

Have you extended your knowledge and practice of the Chakras to your business life?

For more Yoga Teacher Support and Mentoring, connect with Laura about a 1:1 90 Min Coaching Call.
